
Showing posts with the label Carthage

Was the Apostle Paul the author of Hebrews or his unknown assistant?

Paul the Apostle, Russian icon from first quarter of 18th cen. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The arguments for Pauline authorship of Hebrews are impressive.  Here are four reasons I hold that the Apostle Paul was the author of Hebrews : The evidence of church history: As most commentators will tell you, the early church held that Hebrews was Pauline. Some (such Origin) allowed for the possibility that the content was Pauline, but that the actual writing was left to someone else. Yet from early on the consensus was that Hebrews was likely a sermon that Paul preached, and that Luke (or Barnabas, or someone else) recorded. Clement even granted that it was possible that the message itself would have been preached in Aramaic and then translated into Greek. In fact, when the church fathers endeavored to explain why some books were canonical and others were not (Apostolic authorship, claiming revelation from the Lord, early church acceptance, etc.), they frequently would use Hebrews as

How does God want us to treat wealth?

The Triumphal Arch in Tyre, Lebanon (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The LORD of hosts has purposed it, to bring to dishonor the pride of all glory, to bring into contempt all the honorable of the earth (Isa. 23:9). When God blesses us with wealth, it is our duty and privilege to use it wisely, to give back to God from what He has given to us, to help those who don’t have as much, and to look upon our possessions with humility. The only reason we have wealth is that God has given it to us ( Eccl. 5:19). Everything comes from His hand, and we should see ourselves as undeserving of such kindness and as dependent upon Him in every situation in life, whether we are poor or rich. Too often, however, the more people possess, the more they are puffed up with pride. They attribute their success to themselves, instead of humbly remembering that all things come from God’s hand. They become greedy and do everything they can to fill their wallets, even if it means neglecting those who are needy