
Showing posts with the label Catholic Church by country

Fifty Shaeds of Grey - the porn movie?

“ Fifty Shades of Grey ” according to box office analysts, the carnally erotic full length motion picture brought in $94.4 million over the extended Valentine’s Day weekend.Thanks to mass marketing visionaries, it seems as if the bedroom of society has been transformed overnight into a chamber of bondage. It seems as if the American culture has finally learned to normalize darkness. But there is also one more thing that we can be sure of with the release of “Fifty Shades of Grey:” the black and white clarity of the Bible has strangely turned grey in the lives of many in the church. Perhaps the most visible example of this has been Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson , who hasn’t allowed his professed Christianity to stop him from “enjoying” the film. But he is only an example of a much larger problem within  cultural Christianity . Somehow, someway, those who claim Christ have rationalized perversion as being normal. How does that happen? Through the slow and indi