
Showing posts with the label Cessationism

Cessationists and Hebrews 2:1-4

A stained glass representation of confirmation in the Lutheran Church. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The point that cessationists try to make with this passage is that the word of salvation  taught by the Lord was confirmed in the past by those who heard, referring mostly to the apostles . It is argued that the aorist tense ofejbebaiwvqh indicates a past completed act 48  or a "once for all" act. 49  They also argue that the sign gifts were given  strictly for the confirmation of the gospel to unbelievers.  50 While it is correct that  Heb 2:1-4  talks about the validation of the apostles message, it does not necessarily restrict the signs, wonders, and spiritual gifts to the apostles.  The use of the aorist tense cannot be used to argue that this "confirmation"  is restricted absolutely to the past. First, the aorist is probably constative, which views the action as a whole. It does not focus on the beginning or the end of the action. It merely states that the

John MacArthur wrong on Martyn Lloyd Jones being a cessationist

Holy Spirit Stained Glass (Photo credit: hickory hardscrabble ) The theological fallout still continues from Dr. John MacArthur controversial conference entitled "Strange Fire" where he states all those who believe in spiritual gifts continuing are blaspheming the Holy Spirit.  Dear Dr. MacArthur, I have admired you as an able writer and speaker for years. I have not only read your book Strange Fire but listened to your talks as well as the panel discussions at your recent conference. I am as Reformed theologically as you are and can say we are on the same page when it comes to many issues you address. I was not prepared, however, for some of the things you said. I had to reread some parts to be sure you said what I thought you said. First, if your book purports the danger of offending the Holy Spirit with counterfeit worship, I fear you are in greater danger of offending the Holy Spirit by attributing His work to Satan . Does this not worry you? You are risking an

What are the different types of Charismatics?

Dove of the Holy Spirit (ca. 1660, alabaster, Throne of St. Peter, St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican) (Photo credit: Wikipedia )  What is the " Charismatic - cessationist spectrum. ”    There are many differing views about the role of the Spirit in the Church today, but the key differences are really the answers to a series of questions that do not always go together.   1. Strong cessationist   Perhaps this is something of a caricature, but there are a number of Christians who would basically deny that a modern Christian can have any sort of relationship with God today except  exclusively though prayerfully reading the Bible .  God’s word to us today would be entirely  limited to reading the Scriptures, and some would not expect any kind of excitement or emotion about the Christian’s time of worship.  Many in groups below would accuse these people of having a relationship with a book rather than the living God, while they would presumably dismiss all reports of divine act

What do Cessationists believe?

Image via Wikipedia Cessationism is not anti-supernatural, nor does it deny the possibility of miracles. When it comes to understanding the cessationist position, the question is  not :  Can God still do miracles in the world today?  Cessationists would be quick to acknowledge that God can act at any time in any way He chooses. Along these lines, John MacArthur explains: Miracles in the Bible [primarily] occurred in three major periods of time.  The time of Moses and Joshua, the time of Elijah and Elisha, and the time of Christ and the apostles.  . . . And it is during those three brief periods of time and those alone that miracles proliferated; that miracles were the norm; that miracles were in abundance.  Now God can interject Himself into the human stream supernaturally anytime He wants.  We’re not limiting Him.   We’re simply saying that He has chosen to limit Himself to a great degree to those three periods of time. ( Source ) Cessationism then does not deny the reality that Go