
Showing posts with the label Charles Prince of Wales


The Prince of Wales and John 14  - “ Prince Charles has read from John chapter 14 as part of an online version of the King James Bible . The idea is the brainchild of the King James Bible Trust and is the latest event to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the translation.” How to Have a Good Argument  - Yes, it’s another article about Rob Bell . But skip to the second half of the article and this blogger has some good things to say about a good argument . 100 Shares  - It was 25 years ago that Microsoft went public. Here’s an article about what you’d be sitting on if you had been one of the buyers. Shedding the Spines  - Sometimes evolution pretty much parodies itself. “Genetic comparison with chimps suggests that losing chunks of  DNA  - including one associated with penis spines and facial whiskers - played a crucial role in making us human.” Seriously? Kids and the Bible  - Erik writes about how he helps his children read and understand the Bible. iPad 2  - Daring