
Showing posts with the label Charlie Craig

Will the homosexual thought police come to your church soon?

Another victim of the supposedly harmless same-sex 'marriage' movement has been hit with official state sanctions for refusing to sacrifice his beliefs in the truth of marriage. You may recall that Colorado baker Jack Phillips , owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakeview, declined to bake a "wedding" cake for a gay couple who were 'married' in Massachusetts and wanted to hold a reception in Colorado to celebrate the union. Phillips, a committed Christian , explained that his religious beliefs prevented him from participating in a same-sex ceremony because it is contrary to the biblical definition of marriage . The homosexual couple sued and last week the state came down on the Christian baker. Not only has the Christian baker been ordered to "cease and desist" from "discrimination" against gay couples, but he and his staff have been ordered to undergo two years of "training" to assure that no further "discriminatio