
Showing posts with the label Christian Devotedness

The pioneering Missionaries

China Inland Mission. Rev. J. Hudson Taylor & Wife, with Group of Christians (Photo credit: Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library ) Hudson Taylor almost killed (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) From The Story of The China Inland Mission; Mary Geraldine Guinness; 1893 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) From the Jubilee Story of the China Inland Mission; Marshall Broomhall 1915 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Hudson Taylor circa 1865 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The missionary spirit is utterly contagious. Even just one life burning brightly for the gospel can ignite the hearts of hundreds of others for generations to come. What a powerful thing it is to contemplate that reality in the history of missionary work! Consider, for example, the following chain of gospel influence: 1. John Elliott (1604–1690) was a Puritan settler in New England who began evangelizing the native Americans. Known as the “apostle to the Indians,” he translated the Bible into their native language, helped to establish churches, and