
Showing posts with the label Christian Institute

Facebook, Google, social media sites ‘actively’ censor Christian content: study

Image via CrunchBase A new study has found that Google and other major social media sites such as Facebook have “actively” censored Christian and conservative viewpoints. The first report , conducted by  National Religious Broadcasters  (NRB) and the  American Center for Law and Justice , examined the policies and practices of several major Internet-interactive “new media” communications platforms and service providers, including Apple and its iTunes App Store , Facebook, Google, and others. Many of the top social media sites have been found to be "actively" censoring Christian viewpoints. The study found that some of the new media technology companies have outright banned Christian content, and that all social media sites, except Twitter, have speech policies more restrictive than the free speech rights guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution. According to the study, seven of the major social media sites have banned “hate speech,” a term that the study authors point out “is o

“Now it is reversed” — The Moral Revolution in Full View

Image via Wikipedia The breathtaking pace of the moral revolution now transforming Western cultures staggers belief. In the course of a single generation, the sexual morality that has survived for thousands of years is giving way to a radically different moral understanding. Just consider the couple in the United Kingdom who were recently found guilty of discrimination because they allowed only married couples to share a bed at their small hotel. Peter and Hazelmary Bull own a bed and breakfast hotel in Cornwall . In September of 2008, a homosexual couple requested a single bed and was denied that accommodation by the Bulls. The couple sued, and this week a judge found the Bulls guilty of discrimination under Britain’s Equality Act of 2007. What makes this case particularly troubling is the nature of the judge’s decision. Nevertheless, Judge Rutherford stated: “It is inevitable that such laws will from time to time cut across deeply held beliefs of individuals and sections of so