
Showing posts with the label Christian assurance

Can I be sure I am saved? - RC Sproul

At a practical level, people who are struggling with their assurance of salvation often approach me and ask, " How can I know I am saved? " In response, I ask them three questions. First I ask, "Do you love Jesus perfectly?" Every person to whom I have asked that question has responded candidly, "No, I don't." That's why they are not sure of the state of their souls; they know there are deficiencies in their affection for Christ, because they know that if they loved Christ perfectly, they would obey Him perfectly. Jesus said, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments" (John 14:15). So as soon as we disobey one of His commandments, that's a signal to us that we do not love Him perfectly. Second, when a person acknowledges that he doesn't love Jesus perfectly, I ask, "Do you love Him as much as you ought to?" The person usually gives me a strange look and says, "Well, no, of course, I don't." That&#