How accurate is the inspired revelation of the 66 books in the Bible?

How accurate is the inspired revelation of the 66 books of the Bible ? How do we know? Since Scripture is God ’s revelation given through inspiration, it is inerrant. Simply put, the inerrancy of the Bible means that the 66 books of Scripture are the truth, containing no error. In the original manuscripts, every word is entire without error. Whatever Scripture affirms is true and not contrary to fact. Whether speaking of the six-day creation, a global flood, the grace and mercy of God, the resurrection and the future bodily return of Jesus Christ , the Bible is true, factual, and without error. In other words, the Bible is absolutely inerrant. The question of inerrancy—how true is the Bible—depends upon the source and nature of the Bible. To understand the extent of the Bible’s truthfulness begins with asking, “What is the Bible?” and, “How did we get it?” First, the Bible is special revelation. That is to say, the very words are disclosure from God otherwise unavailable ...