
Showing posts with the label Christianity Today

Odd Review of the God of Godzilla

"There's a reason his name begins with ' God ,' I think. He is a god, really," says British director Gareth Edwards , the man behind the latest reboot of the six-decade old  Godzilla  franchise. "He's at the top of the food chain and probably King of the World, in a sense. We did this title sequence at the beginning of the film filled with sea serpents , ancient Greek symbols , and that sort of thing, and the idea is that for all of time man has always found that there's something out there for us to worship or fear, and it's gone away for a while but in our film it returns."  Writing about that subtext in the film, Christianity Today  reviewer Timothy Wainwright said, "Godzilla is the weirdest Christ figure I've ever seen. I'll avoid spoilers, but suffice it to say that the movie honestly portrays a giant lizard with blue atomic breath as a divine figure."  He's also an environmentalist hero of sorts: Edwards states,

Pope Francis announces his own supremacy, violating Christ's body

Author: Cripplegate. Roman Catholicism installed Francis as pope. And much has been made of his bus rides and apartment dwelling back home in Buenos Aires . (The fact that people are impressed by his studied avoidance of opulence actually speaks volumes about Roman Catholicism in general). But while the press fawns and Rome beams over his supposed humility, what should Bible-believing Protestants say? Probably something like this: “How great sin have you heaped up for yourself, when you cut yourself off from so many flocks! For it is yourself that you have cut off. Do not deceive yourself!” Now that would probably not make the cut for a Christianity Today editorial, like A Pope for All Christians , but it is how Christians responded the first time a bishop in Rome made the incredibly arrogant claim that he was supreme pontiff. Conflicting over Church Membership Stephen, the bishop of Rome in the third century (d. A.D. 257), was actually the first guy to pull the “no, you kiss my

Mohler & Keller on Evolution

English: Al Mohler, President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Author: Carl Truemen. It is encouraging to see that Dr. Albert Mohler is one of the two leaders of the TGC seminar on Adam (the other being Dr. Bryan Chapell ). Kudos to TGC for a very good choice.   Dr. Mohler has made it clear that evolution is not simply wrong but has gone so far as to describe it as a myth which is 'not only incompatible with any historical affirmation of Genesis , but ... also with the claim that all humanity is descended from Adam and the claim that in Adam all humanity fell into sin and guilt.'   He has also stated that '[t]he Bible 's account of the Fall and its consequences is utterly incompatible with evolutionary theory .  The third chapter of Genesis is as problematic for evolutionary theory as the first two.'  In other words, he thinks that evolution excludes the biblical view of an historical Adam and therefore of original sin.  I

Why Evangelicals struggle to address premarital sex and abortion

Their theological line against premarital sex is falling on the deaf ears of young believers, some of whom get pregnant and have abortions, thanks to their ignorance about contraception. Now, evangelicals are debating whether churches can embrace contraception as a backup plan. It's no secret that evangelicals have a big problem on their hands when it comes to young people and sex. The facts are staggering: despite almost universal affirmation that premarital sex is a sin, 80 percent of unmarried evangelicals (PDF) are having it, and 30 percent of those who accidentally get pregnant get an abortion, according to one survey. U.S. states where abstinence is emphasized over contraception in school sex ed—almost all in the heavily evangelical South—have teen-pregnancy rates as high as double (PDF) those of states with a comprehensive curriculum. Though an overwhelming majority believe premarital sex is wrong, white evangelicals are sexually active at a younger age than any demographi

No Adam, No Eve then No Gospel

Image via Wikipedia Science as we know it grew from pagan, occult, and biblical roots. Christianity Today  likes to emphasize the biblical sources. The story of creation, told in Genesis and elaborated in the New Testament , pictures a rational intelligence creating an orderly and predictable cosmos. Without that predictability in the natural world, neither Newton nor Einstein would have been possible. There are times, however, when a careful reading of the natural world seems to conflict with our reading of Scripture. Sometimes, Christian ways of thinking must adjust. Two famous names—Copernicus and Galileo—tell that tale. Other times, Christian thinkers adopt some of what scientific research suggests, but hold firm on key aspects of biblical knowledge.  The name B. B. Warfield tells that tale: The Princeton theology professor (d. 1921) taught in the wake of the Darwinian revolution. He and fellow evangelical leaders saw good reasons to believe that humanity's physical form wa