
Showing posts with the label Church Leadership

Who should be on a church leadership team?

Tony Morgan: When considering who should be on the senior leadership team, many times we try to answer the wrong questions. Sometimes we ask, “What positions should be represented on the team? ” In church world, we may think the “Pastor” or “ Director ” title or people with certain positions automatically qualify. That’s not always the case. Sometimes we ask, “Who has been around for the longest?” Tenure does not necessarily equate with the profile of the person you want serving on this team. In fact, I’d argue that if you’re stuck and fresh perspective is one of your needs, sometimes the newest person may be who should be on the team. It’s not about positional leadership or length of ministry. It’s not necessarily the people at the very top of your current organizational structure . However, once you identify the right people for your situation, you should build your structure around your senior leadership team. In other words, every person and every ministry needs to be c

Why do Ministry leaders exist?

Image via Wikipedia WHY DO LEADERS EXIST?  This is perhaps one of the most simple yet profound questions we can ask about leadership. But until we answer this foundational question, leadership tips and techniques won’t make much sense. My answer to the question is this:  LEADERS EXIST TO CREATE A SHIFT IN REALITY . SHIFT THE DRIFT  Without leaders, things drift along. Every stream has a current. Throw a twig or a piece of paper into the water, and it will drift with the flow. This is natural. It is simply the way things work. Organizations and churches are similar to streams. They too have a flow. That flow is the organization’s culture. When people enter into that culture, they usually move along with the current. It is called “the drift.” Do you want to know what the drift is in your organization? Ask, “What are people saying about [fill in the blank]?” For example, I used to have a colleague that no one respected. You could often hear his peers and subordinates say things like: ·  

Why do Ministry leaders exist?

Image via Wikipedia WHY DO LEADERS EXIST?  This is perhaps one of the most simple yet profound questions we can ask about leadership. But until we answer this foundational question, leadership tips and techniques won’t make much sense. My answer to the question is this:  LEADERS EXIST TO CREATE A SHIFT IN REALITY . SHIFT THE DRIFT  Without leaders, things drift along. Every stream has a current. Throw a twig or a piece of paper into the water, and it will drift with the flow. This is natural. It is simply the way things work. Organizations and churches are similar to streams. They too have a flow. That flow is the organization’s culture. When people enter into that culture, they usually move along with the current. It is called “the drift.” Do you want to know what the drift is in your organization? Ask, “What are people saying about [fill in the blank]?” For example, I used to have a colleague that no one respected. You could often hear his peers and subordinates say things like: ·