
Showing posts with the label Colorado

John Piper says: You can change the world!

A soldier in the U.S. Army plays fooz-ball with two prosthetic limbs. Courtesy of the U.S. Army, by Walter Reed photographers. Photo Courtesy of U.S. Army (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Have you ever wished you could do something that would change the world? Your wish has been granted. Are you tempted to think that your obscure, little life will leave no mark on the world? You have no idea how wrong you are. All of History Will Be Different Because You Lived Your very existence has already unalterably changed the course of world history . All of us, from the child who does not survive the womb to the centenarian, leave indelible marks in the lives of those around us and those who come after us. Our purposeful or incidental interactions and intersections with other people affect the timing of events or ideas or decisions that direct the future trajectory of their lives, eventually affecting millions. Not only that, but as creatures made in God’s image, God has conferred upon us

Is there a Culture Crash: Where Church and Culture Collide?

Pastor Rick Warren at Saddleback Church. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Same-Sex Marriage . Immigration. A Culture of Inclusivism. Changing Sexual Norms . Social Justice . Like it or not, we all have to face cultural issues like these as church leaders. But the stakes are higher now than ever before. In the media, we only hear the extremes from the church... those that are 'pro' this or 'con' that. But it's never that easy. We think pastors and church leaders have a unique role and an important challenge to address these issues redemptively and proactively. It's time to start that discussion. It's time to talk 'to' each other rather than 'at' each other. We'll share how some church leaders are dealing with these issues, and learn how to 'be the Church ' in a faster-than-ever changing culture. Culture Crash #1: The Church and Same-Sex Marriage There is no greater and faster shift in culture today than the swing towards the acce

Will the homosexual thought police come to your church soon?

Another victim of the supposedly harmless same-sex 'marriage' movement has been hit with official state sanctions for refusing to sacrifice his beliefs in the truth of marriage. You may recall that Colorado baker Jack Phillips , owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakeview, declined to bake a "wedding" cake for a gay couple who were 'married' in Massachusetts and wanted to hold a reception in Colorado to celebrate the union. Phillips, a committed Christian , explained that his religious beliefs prevented him from participating in a same-sex ceremony because it is contrary to the biblical definition of marriage . The homosexual couple sued and last week the state came down on the Christian baker. Not only has the Christian baker been ordered to "cease and desist" from "discrimination" against gay couples, but he and his staff have been ordered to undergo two years of "training" to assure that no further "discriminatio

Batman, Prayer and Guns

Aerial view of Fitzsimons Army Hospital in Aurora, Colorado, before closure. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Movie theaters are supposed to be a place of escape – for at least a couple of hours -- from the challenges of everyday living. But for the victims and their families and friends in Aurora, Colorado an act of horrifying violence shattered the illusion. Right now they are the center of attention, feeding a 24/7 news cycle . But when the media senses issue fatigue in the minds of its nationwide audience and shifts away to newer, fresher stories, the pain that began in the early morning hours last Friday will linger. For many, it will never go away. There might be a time to talk about guns, violence in the media , and appropriate types of punishments for the people who commit such heinous crimes, but right now the best response is to mourn, comfort and pray. For those who have lost a family member, friend, or co-worker, we are truly sorry for your loss. We hope that friends and f