
Showing posts with the label Colorado Springs

Anxiety or Humility?

John Piper - take one (Photo credit: Micah_68 ) Here are some other resources: Richard Baxter, “The Right Method for a Settled Peace of Conscience and Spiritual Comfort,” in  The Practical Works of the Rev. Richard Baxter  (23 vols.; London: Duncan, 1830), 9:1–287. Andy Farmer, “Peace and Anxiety,” ch. 5 in  Real Peace: What We Long for and Where to Find It  (Wheaton: Crossway, 2013), 79–93. Robert W. Kellemen,  Anxiety: Anatomy and Cure  (The Gospel for Real Life; Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian & Reformed, 2012). 42 pp. John MacArthur,  Anxiety Attacked  (Wheaton: Victor, 1993). Wayne A. Mack and Joshua Mack,  Courage: Fighting Fear with Fear  (Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian & Reformed, 2002). J. P. Moreland and Klaus Issler, “Defeating Two Hardships of Life: Anxiety and Depression,” ch. 7 in  The Lost Virtue of Happiness: Discovering the Disciplines of the Good Life  (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2006), 155–77. John Piper, “ Anxiety: Sin, Disorder, or Both? ,”

The problem with TNIV Bible

Cover of an TNIV NT, 2002 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The International Bible Society and Zondervan announced the preparation of Today’s New International Version (TNIV). The day before the announcement was made in the national media, representatives of Zondervan and the International Bible Society notified the signatories of the Colorado Springs accord that they were withdrawing their names from the agreement. The defenders of the TNIV translation argue that it is driven not by a feminist agenda or by a desire to be “politically correct.” The repeated claims of its authors and publishers is that it is an endeavor to improve the “accuracy” of the English Bible. But if the TNIV is more accurate than the NIV , why does Zondervan intend to continue to publish the NIV? If Zondervan is really committed to accuracy, it would seem that it would have the TNIV replace the NIV altogether. Actually, the TNIV appears to be a move not toward greater accuracy but away from it. One example: I