
Showing posts with the label Communication

How Prison Made Me A Better Bible Teacher

Stephen O. Presley As the iron gate slammed behind me, I read the sign, “Inmates taking hostages will not be allowed beyond this point.” It was an ominous beginning to a life of teaching. After graduating with my divinity doctorate from the University of St. Andrews, I hoped to land a tenure-track teaching position. I imagined strolling the grounds of some seminary or university campus with my students, discussing the deep thoughts of Augustine or Calvin. Instead, in the Lord’s kindness, I got so much better.  I was hired to teach at a seminary extension site with a course load that included several classes in a newly formed prison seminary program. This initiative, launched by the Heart of Texas prison ministry, offered seminary training for convicted felons serving life in prison. Like raising Indigenous missionaries in a foreign country, these seminary graduates would remain incarcerated and help minister to the prison population.  For four years, spanning 2011-2015, I was in prison

God speaks to us through the Bible

Since Scripture is God ’s word, it is his communication to us. In Scripture, God speaks, not primarily to himself or to the angels, or to the winds and waves, but to us human beings . God cannot fail to accomplish his purpose, so his communication cannot be anything less than successful. If words are unclear, they fail to communicate; they are not communication. So Scripture must be clear. Related articles God Means What? ( Would God Do That? ( Moses and Simeon: Seeing God ( 7 Things To Know About Hearing God ( Someone to speak our words ( God is for us not against us ( Week 2 | The Scripture Is A Lens, Not A Manual ( Why Some People Deny the Love of God? ( What I Don't Deserve ( Bible Sampler Series: The Fall ( Stand Still...No, Get Mov