
Showing posts with the label Congregational church

James McDonald on dangers of congregationalism

Image via Wikipedia Congregational government is an invention and tool of the enemy of our souls to destroy the church of Jesus Christ . So there, I have said the strongest part of the message first; now some commentary. 1) Congregational Meetings Are Forums for Division: When church life is going well, the leaders of a church struggle to get a quorum for decision making. When things are going wrong, every carnal member lines up at a microphone to spew their venom and destroy the work of Christ in the church.  I saw it growing up, and I have seen it since in churches that are fighting to survive and do something courageous for their future. Good people being held hostage by bad people, minorities hijacking the majority because a set of ‘by-laws’ get higher regard than the Scriptures.  Satan does want to rip church unity to shreds like a devouring lion ( 1 Peter 5:8). He is accomplishing that again and again through a system of church government which elevates the fleshly and the