
Showing posts with the label Continuationism

This is the argument for the cessation of spiritual gifts - do you agree?

Icon of the Pentecost (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) “Charismatic Counterfeits: Do the Modern Gifts Meet the Biblical Standard?” That subtitle really defines our topic for this session. We want to consider the way in which the contemporary charismatic movement defines key spiritual gifts. And then we will compare the charismatic version with the Word of God to see how they match up. As a side note, I want to note that much of the material we will cover today parallels what you will find in the  Strange Fire  book. I mention that at the outset, so that if you are interested in doing further study on this critical topic, you can do so by reading what Dr. MacArthur has published in that important resource. Definition of Terms Now, before we begin, it is important that we define several terms. If you were in my seminar yesterday afternoon, this part of the seminar will sound familiar. But I promise this is a different seminar, it is just important that we begin by making sure that

John MacArthur disagrees with John Piper over prophecy

John Piper (theologian) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Several months ago, shortly after the  Strange Fire Conference , notable continuationist pastor, John Piper ,  responded to some of the claims of the conference  via his question-and-answer program,  Ask Pastor John .  Over the last couple of weeks, John MacArthur has begun responding to Piper’s remarks over at the  Grace To You blog .  These posts represent valuable, rubber-meets-the-road exegetical discussion as it relates to the cessation of the miraculous gifts, and it’s happening between two lifelong students of Scripture who many in our generation consider to be fathers in the faith. It’s surely an exchange you don’t want to miss. I want to devote today’s post to recapping what’s been said there so far. #1  Biblical Prophecy and Modern Confusion In the first post, MacArthur begins with some comments of appreciation for John Piper and his ministry, speaking of his gratitude for Piper’s friendship and part