
Showing posts with the label Conversion therapy

Sloppy Studies Debunked: ‘Conversion Therapy’ in Fact Doesn’t Do Any Harm, and Often Helps

Fr./Dr. Paul Sullins discusses the erroneous studies that claim therapy for unwanted same-sex attraction leads to suicide. Sullins explained the methodological flaws used in these studies in the invitation-only press conference held last week: the studies fail to consider separately suicide attempts before and after therapy. Perhaps some people chose to go to therapy, precisely because they were highly distressed or suicidal in the first place. Obviously, therapy could not have caused suicide attempts that took place before the therapy ever occurred. When Fr. Sullins took account of the “before” and “after” therapy suicide attempts, the claim that therapy “caused” suicide disappeared. This week’s  Dr. J Show  features the presentation-only portion of our press conference on  YouTube . Learn more from Fr. Sullins by hearing the Q & A session after his presentation by watching on  Locals .

Even Failed Therapy for Undesired Same-Sex Sexuality Results in No Harm, Finds New Study

Swiftly on the heels of his 2021 study showing sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE) “strongly reduces suicidality” and that restriction on SOCE may “deprive sexual minorities of an important resource for reducing suicidality, putting them at substantially increased suicide risk,”[1],[2] Sociologist Paul Sullins’ new peer-reviewed analysis revealed, as per its title, an “Absence of Behavioral Harm Following Non-efficacious Sexual Orientation Change Efforts: A Retrospective Study of United States Sexual Minority Adults, 2016–2018.”[3] Sullins begins with a clear definition of SOCE: “Sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE) is a summary term for therapies or programs that support a change from same-sex to opposite-sex orientation in sexual attraction, identity, and/ or behavior.” As of 2016, the preferred terminology is not SOCE but SAFE-T (Sexual Attraction Fluidity Exploration in Therapy).[4] That was the first naming of it by actual competent professional practitioners. The popular

False Concept of “Conversion Therapy”

Rosaria Butterfield, Ph.D., is one of the most articulate, clear-headed voices in the Church today addressing issues of sexuality and gender. As a former lesbian feminist, now a committed Christian, she understands the LGBTQ+ mindset and is able to confront it with eternal, biblical principles. At the same time, she is a human being, and like the rest of us, she has blind spots. Thankfully, in keeping with her Christian character, she has addressed one of those blind spots in her life, publicly confessing her error. As Butterfield explained, in 2014, in an article published by The Gospel Coalition, she wrote, “[Reparative therapy], a heresy, [is] a modern version of the prosperity gospel. Name it. Claim it. Pray the gay away.” Today, she writes, “This ranks among the most misguided words I have written as a Christian.” What a forthright, humble confession. False Concept of “Conversion Therapy” But how did she get things so wrong? Why did she believe that these efforts to help people ov

How ‘Conversion Therapy’ Bans Are Akin to Apostasy Laws

The Story: A proposed city ordinance in Indiana highlights why bans on “conversion therapy” can be a threat to the gospel. The Background: The city council of West Lafayette, Indiana is considering an ordinance that would make it illegal for “unlicensed” counselors to counsel minors on human sexuality in a way that conflicts with LGBT+ orthodoxy. For example, if a teenager goes to a Christian counseling center about unwanted same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria, it would be breaking the law to give them answers based on biblical sexual ethics. The penalty for violating the ban on so-called “conversion therapy” is a fine of $1,000 per day.* The proposed ordinance defines “conversion therapy” as any practices or treatments that seek to “change an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity, including efforts to change gender expressions or to eliminate or reduce sexual or romantic attractions or feelings toward individuals of the same gender.” The law makes an exception, though