
Showing posts with the label Council at Nicea

The New Testament Canon Was Not Decided at Nicea—Nor Any Other Church Council

For whatever set of reasons, there is a widespread belief out there (internet, popular books) that the New Testament canon was decided at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD—under the conspiratorial influence of Constantine.    The fact that this claim was made in Dan Brown’s best-seller  The Da Vinci Code  shows how widespread it really is.    Brown did not make up this belief; he simply used it in his book. The problem with this belief, however, is that it is patently false.    The Council of Nicea had nothing to do with the formation of the New Testament canon (nor did Constantine).     Nicea was concerned with how Christians should articulate their beliefs about the divinity of Jesus.    Thus it was the birthplace of the Nicean creed. When people discover that Nicea did not decide the canon, the follow up question is usually, “Which council did decide the canon?”     Surely we could not have a canon without some sort of authoritative, official act of the church by which it was