
Showing posts with the label Covenant theology

What are the doctrines of grace?

The Presentation of Samuel - medieval stained glass detail, Canterbury Cathedral (Photo credit: chrisjohnbeckett ) “If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.” John 15:19 Here is distinguishing grace and discriminating regard; for some are made the special objects of divine affection. Do not be afraid to dwell upon this high doctrine of election. When your mind is most heavy and depressed, you will find it to be a bottle of richest cordial. Those who doubt the doctrines of grace , or who cast them into the shade, miss the richest clusters of Eshcol ; they lose the wines on the lees well refined, the fat things full of marrow. There is no balm in Gilead comparable to it. If the honey in Jonathan’s wood when but touched enlightened the eyes, this is honey which will enlighten your heart to love and learn the mysteries of the kingdom of God . Eat, and fear not a

Tempted by Satan?

The Temptation of Christ, 1854 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Matthew 4:1 “Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil” (v. 1). The Messiah who would defeat the Devil ( 1 John 3:8b) and bring back God’s people from exile came to Israel around 4 B.C. As the prophets foretold, Jesus was the Son of David , had a miraculous birth, and was opposed by many of His own brethren (Matt. 1–2). Despite this opposition, Jesus still identified Himself with His people and confirmed His ministry through His baptism (chap. 3). In  Matthew’s gospel  chapter 4, it describes Jesus’ testing in the wilderness. Before we look at His testing in detail, we must first place this event in its historical and theological context in order to understand clearly what occurred when Satan tempted the Christ. The Westminster Confession of Faith , chapter 7, says God made a “ covenant of works ” with the first human being. In Eden, the Lord ordered Adam to refrain from eatin