
Showing posts with the label Creation myth

Do the heavens declare evolution or God's handiwork?

“The heavens declare the glory of God ; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.” ( Psalm 19:1 ) This verse has been a favorite of many who recognize God’s creatorship. The vastness of space “declares” His power and sovereign control over all and calls us to worship Him as not only Creator but Savior as well. In what ways do the heavens speak? The orderly progression of day and night reminds us of God’s purpose in creating the heavenly bodies, that they should be “signs” for us to aid in telling time and the passage of time ( Genesis 1:14 ). The sun’s light energizes Earth ’s processes. From photosynthesis to tidal and atmospheric movements, the Creator can be recognized as the great Provider. The “line” mentioned in Psalm 19:4 is that of a surveyor’s line, true and accurate. It represents the absolute standard by which our conduct is measured. Just as surely as an Earth-encircling line demarcates light and darkness, so God’s holy nature measures and evaluates our behavior. The

Is there hope for today's chaos, despair and futility?

For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope. ( Romans 8:20) Are you tired of fighting futility? Evil and disorder relentlessly throw wrenches into the gears of your life. ISIs, or ISIL, governments fighting. Marriage breakdown, shooting deaths, corrupt politicians and on and on. What’s the point? For God, the point is hope. Which is very strange. Futility and hope are not friends. The former tends to kill the latter. Humans can’t make them both be true at the same time. But God can. Futility means things fall apart . It means that what begins fresh and green and thrilling in the morning of life and love and new ventures fades and withers in its evening ( Psalm 90:5-6). People die, families disintegrate, churches split, love is betrayed, revivals dissipate into nominalism, revolutions devolve into corrupt establishments, and universities founded to preserve doctrinal orthodoxy decline into bastions of godlessness. We


Image via Wikipedia We are commonly asked for a clarification of our position on Creation . Here is his commentary on the Westminster Confession's phrase "…in the space of six days." In the beginning, to create, or make of nothing, the world, and all things therein whether visible or invisible, in the space of six days; and all very good. In the Genesis account of creation, we read; “So the evening and the morning were the first day” (Gen. 1:5).  This narrative proceeds from the first day to the sixth, each time referring to “the evening and the morning” and numbering the day. On the seventh day, God rested (Gen. 2:2). In our time a considerable number of theories have arisen denying that the creation, as we know it, took place in twenty-four hour days. Common to these theories is the acceptance of the dominant scientific view that the earth and life on it are very old. Many consider the biblical account to be primitive, mythological, and untenable in light of