I believe

The Latin word credo means simply "I believe." It represents the first word of the Apostles' Creed . Throughout church history it has been necessary for the church to adopt and embrace creedal statements to clarify the Christian faith and to distinguish true content from error and false representations of the faith. Such creeds are distinguished from Scripture in that Scripture is norma normans ("the rule that rules"), while the creeds are norma normata ("a rule that is ruled"). Historically, Christian creeds have included everything from brief affirmations to comprehensive statements. The earliest Christian creed is found in the New Testament , which declares, " Jesus is Lord ." The New Testament makes a somewhat cryptic statement about this affirmation, namely, that no one can make the statement except by the Holy Spirit . What are we to understand by this? On the one hand, the New Testament tells us that people can honor God with thei...