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Moses Without the Supernatural — Ridley Scott’s “Exodus: Gods and Kings”

English: Moses striking the rock (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Timed for a Christmas season release, director Ridley Scott ’s intended blockbuster, Exodus : Gods and Kings hit the big screens this past weekend. On its opening weekend the movie shot to the top of the box office charts, displacing the latest Hunger Games movie, but falling considerably short of expected receipts. The best single line analysis of the movie and its failure to garner either critical acclaim or more viewers was offered by Eric D. Snider of Geek Nation: “This big dud isn’t blasphemous enough to be outrageous, emotional enough to be inspiring, or interesting enough to be good.” Well, I partly agree with the first two points of criticism, but I did find the movie interesting. Indeed, I even liked much of the movie, and I would not argue that mature and thoughtful Christians should not see it, even if the concerns about it are major. And make no mistake, the concerns are major. Earlier this year, director Dar

Moses: gods and kings and the 10 plagues

PLAGUES OF EGYPT . In commissioning Moses to lead Israel out of Egypt , God had warned him that this would come about only through God’s supreme power overcoming all the might of Pharaoh, whereby Egypt would be smitten with wonders or signs from God (cf. Ex. 3:19–20).  After the sign of the rod that became a serpent and swallowed up those of the Egyptian magicians, which left Pharaoh unmoved, God’s power was demonstrated to him and his people in a series of ten judgments. They were so applied as to portray clearly the reality and power of Israel’s God, and thus by contrast the impotence of Egypt’s gods. The first nine of these plagues bear a direct relation to natural phenomena in the Nile valley , but the tenth, the death of the firstborn, belongs wholly to the realm of the supernatural. These first nine plagues demonstrate the divine use of the created order to achieve his ends, and recent studies tend to confirm both the reality of what is described in Ex. 7–12 and the po

Exodus: Gods and Kings - Who was Moses?

Moses with the tablets of the Ten Commandments, painting by Rembrandt (1659) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) MOSES [mōˊzəz] (Heb. mōšeh; cf. Egyp. mśy “to be born” or “son”). † The first great leader of the Hebrew people , regarded as author of the first five books of the Old Testament . Moses is revered by Jews, Christians, and Muslims for his daring leadership and diplomacy as well as his promulgation of the divine law. According to the biblical record, Moses was born in Egypt when the Hebrews were enslaved to Pharaoh, apparently during the early to middle centuries of the New Kingdom period (ca. 1550–1085 B.C.). His parents (or perhaps ancestors) were Amram and Jochebed of the tribe of Levi ( Exod. 2:1; 6:20). The account of Moses’ birth and his rescue from the drowning decreed by Pharaoh is presented at Exod. 2:1–10.  Believing that God had chosen him (cf. Heb. 11:23), Moses’ parents hid him for three months and then placed him in a papyrus basket among the reeds at a ba

Why is there a penalty if I don't believe in Christ?

Crossing of the red sea (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt , afterward destroyed them that believed not.” ( Jude 1:5 )   This is the first example Jude provides of those who refused to respond to God ’s leading and gracious provision. Israel had witnessed stunning miracles, and a few very public judgments, before the 12 spies were sent out to investigate the Promised Land .   For example, the institution of the Passover was a wonderful and fearful event. God showed His hand both in salvation of those who obeyed and in swift judgment on those who refused.   The exodus of Israel from Egypt was unique. Not only did God enrich the nation in one day, but demonstrated His awesome power at the parting of the Red Sea and the destruction of the army of Pharaoh. Everyone in Israel observed this. They all experienced God’s power firsthand.   On the way