How do you build treasures in heaven?
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven” ( Matthew 6:19–20 ). In Matthew 6:19–34, Jesus discusses the orientation toward life that is to characterize the family of God . We need to bear in mind that Jesus is providing us with aphorisms that address our attitudes. He is not contradicting other passages of His Word where we are told to be careful in our use of possessions. He says that treasures laid up on earth do not last. Precious garments of wool can be destroyed by moths, and implements of iron can rust. It makes no sense to invest our love and attention on such things, though we may enjoy them and make use of them. We must focus our attention on good works that please God, “for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (v. 21). He goes on to say that we cannot serve two masters. Certainly we can serve two people, indeed many people, but