
Showing posts with the label Cyrus

Historical proof: The Cyrus Cylinder

in the . (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) This ancient clay cylinder dates from the sixth century BC and contains a declaration from Cyrus the Great .  The first section describes Cyrus ’ greatness and mercy—common themes in such declarations.  The second section, composed of Cyrus’ own words, describes how he returned captive peoples and their gods to their native lands.  It also records his hope that all the returned gods will intercede before Bel and Nabu (the chief Babylonian gods ) on his behalf. The description of Cyrus’ mercy and efforts to return captives supports the biblical account of Israel ’s restoration from exile ( Ezra 1 ). Ezra Introduction:  After being held captive in Babylon for decades, the Jews were allowed to return to their homeland and rebuild the temple. The priest Ezra emerged from one of the first waves of refugees. He taught the people the law and reformed their religious life so the other nations around them could see they were God’s chosen

What is significant about the title Christ?

Cristo Redentor (Christ Redeemer) (Photo credit: bossa07 ) Luke 9:18–20 “Then he said to them, ‘But who do you say that I am?’ Peter answered, ‘The Christ of God’” ( v. 20 ). The title Christ is used more for Jesus in the New Testament (some 531 times) than any other title. It is important to remember that “Christ” describes a function or role of Jesus and is not His last name. Even though our English translations of the Greek New Testament usually refer to “Jesus Christ,” a more proper use of the title is “ Jesus the Christ .” Still it is not inappropriate to say “Jesus Christ” or to refer to our Lord simply as “Christ”; after all, He is the Christ par excellence, the final holder of the title and the One in whom it finds its greatest fulfillment. As you might have deduced from the preceding paragraph, we call Jesus the “final Christ” because in actuality, many people have held the same title. “Christ” comes from the Greek wordchristos, which is itself a translation of the H

Old Testament Prophets whp spoke after the exile. What did they say?

Winged sphinx from Darius' palace at Susa. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Cyrus's tomb lies in Pasargadae, Iran, a UNESCO World Heritage Site (2006). (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Cyrus' cylinder (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The exile was a major turning point in the history of Israel. Judah and Jerusalem had fallen to the armies of Nebuchadnezzar. Many of the people of the land had been taken captive to Babylon , while others had fled to Egypt and parts unknown. A small number of the poor had remained behind in Judah. The ultimate curse of the covenant had been realized. After centuries of prophetic warnings, the death penalty had been carried out on Israel.  The land was in ruins, and the people were in exile. In 539 B.C., however, Babylon fell to the Persians, and in 538, Cyrus issued a decree permitting the exiled Jews to return to Judah and rebuild the temple. Were the prophecies of restoration now to be fulfilled? Would the messianic kingdom of God now be established? These

No Other Gods

ISAIAH 45:1–7 “I am the LORD, and there is no other, besides me there is no God ; I equip you, though you do not know me, that people may know … I am the LORD, and there is no other” (vv. 5–6). Cyrus the Great, the ruler of the Persian Empire during the latter part of th Image via Wikipedia e sixth century BC , is highly revered in Scripture. Even though he was not a believer in Yahweh , the one, true God, Cyrus is still given the title “messiah,” or anointed one, because he conquered the Babylonian Empire , delivering the exiled nation of Israel out of bondage and allowing the people to return to their homeland in 538 BC . Second Chronicles 36:22–23 records Cyrus’ famous decree sending the Israelites back to the Holy Land, a decree to which archaeological discoveries also bear witness. Image via Wikipedia As a Persian king, Cyrus was an adherent of the Persian religion Zoroastrianism and a follower of the false god Ahura Mazda . Ironically, however, the prophet Isaiah regard