
Showing posts with the label DaVinci Code

5 Tools Needed to Reach Today's Teens

Those who have ministered to adolescents can consider these five theological tools essential for hoping to minister effectively to today's teens. 1. Knowledge about the canonization of Scripture. Perhaps it is a result of  The DaVinci Code  or maybe the effects of deconstructionism and revisionism in historical studies, but one of the primary apologetic questions I receive from students involves the formation of the canon of Scripture . In no subject area have I observed more misinformation. Students have told me that their high school English teacher taught that the Gospel of Mary Magdalene was not included in the Bible because Christianity is misogynistic. A kid told me that the Gospels were actually written in fourth century. If a student does not trust the Bible as God's Word, ministries will have a hard time giving them any confidence in the truths of Christianity; the Bible serves as the authority and foundation for all Christian doctrine . Those minist