
Showing posts with the label Dana Milbank

Are you a theocrat? Secular scare tactics

Image by Skibum415 via Flickr I want you to guess which prominent American public figure said the following: “I would agree with St. Augustine that ‘an unjust law is no law at all.’” He added that what makes a law “just” is that it “squares with the moral law or the law of God,” conversely “unjust” laws are those that are “out of harmony with the moral law.” Well, we just unveiled a statue of him on the National Mall . Yes, Martin Luther King penned those famous words in his 1963 “ Letter from a Birmingham Jail .” Those words and the convictions that prompted them changed America. But today, they would cause the great civil rights leader to be labeled a “theocrat.” “ Theocrat ,” and related words like “ Dominionist ” and “Christianist,” are the latest in a series of epithets directed at Christians who insist that their faith is not merely a private matter. Suggesting Christians want to impo Image via Wikipedia se biblical law on civil society is an attempt to make a comparison betw