Does it matter?

“And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger because there was no place for them in the inn.” – Luke 2:7 When I became a Christian, I learned that we really do not know when Jesus was born. The Bible does not clearly tell us when Jesus was born. In Luke 2, the birth story of Jesus simply says that, at the time of Jesus’ birth, the flocks were in the fields. This likely means that Jesus was not born in December. Why? That time of year experiences a lot of rain and cold, which would cause a shepherd to keep their flock safe and warm and not roaming in the open fields. Those who defend the Christmas date as the potential time of Jesus’ birth respond by saying there are often weeks during the winter when the weather warms up and allows sheep to roam freely in the fields. Arguments against Jesus being born in December are many. One, during the winter months, many roads are impassable, which would mean that the governm...