
Showing posts with the label Derek Thomas

Bible Q & A with Ligonier Ministry

Voddie Baucham, Stephen Nichols ,   R.C.   Sproul,   R.C.   Sproul Jr., and Derek Thomas were asked the following questions: Athanasius confronted the issue of the deity of Christ . What is the strongest enemy the church faces today? (00:10) If God wants us to spend all eternity with Him, why didn’t He just put us with Him from the beginning? (08:43) How do we deal with knowing some of our loved ones may be headed to perdition? (11:29) Since we are chosen before the foundation of the world, how does God view us before we are born again? (15:30) Dr. Baucham, you said that you had overcome numerous struggles as a married adult man due to not having your father around when younger. I can relate. Can you talk about this a bit? (16:42) I am trying to reconcile the death of my son. How do I deal with my anger against God experienced as I am in this dark time? (20:08) Since God is slow to anger and patient, why, when man first sinned, was His wrath and punishment so severe? (23

This is Holy Week

Icon of Jesus Christ (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) This week is Holy Week . Therefore Christians and Christian families all over the world are paying particular attention to the work of Jesus Christ in His life, death, and resurrection. ...there is more to be learned at the foot of the cross than anywhere else in the world. — J.C. Ryle These are worthy topics for our consideration. Jesus' accomplishment on the cross was not—as some suggest—simply God 's "Plan B" after the Fall. From all eternity, God determined that He would redeem for Himself a people, and that which He determined to do was, in fact, accomplished in the work of Jesus Christ, His atonement on the cross. Ligonier has put together a list of resources to help you understand the depth of this week in history Articles The Bearer of Iniquity   by  Joseph Pipa, Jr. Biblical Scholasticism   by  R.C. Sproul The Blood of the Lamb   by  Gordon Wenham Cur Deus Homo   by  R.C. Sproul For God So Loved the Wo

Lords Supper

The Lord’s Supper, the meal that unites, has ironically been the source of much division and controversy throughout church history. It was, in fact, the primary source of division among the sixteenth-century Reformers. Numerous books have been written on the doctrine and practice of the Lord’s Supper. The following are some that I have found to be particularly helpful. General Works Robert Letham.  The Lord’s Supper .   Letham’s book is a brief introduction to the Reformed doctrine of the Lord’s Supper. It is a good place to start for those wanting to get a basic grasp of the issues. John Calvin ’s Doctrine John Calvin.  Treatises on the Sacraments .   This volume is a reprint of volume 2 in Calvin’s  Tracts and Treatises .  It contains a number of Calvin’s writings on the Lord’s Supper, although it does not include all of them by any means.  It serves as a helpful supplement to his work on the subject in his  Institutes  and commentaries. B. A. Gerrish.  Grace and Gratitude