
Showing posts with the label Divine Principle

What evangelism style did Jesus use?

Chinese depiction of Jesus and the rich man (Mark 10) - 1879, Beijing, China (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Luke 18, Mark 10 , and Matthew 19 give us the familiar story of the rich, young ruler. This story is perhaps the most commonly used model for evangelism from the Gospels , and provides a stunning insight into Jesus ’ approach to evangelism. Obviously the synagogue ruler did not get saved. This fact is essential in understanding how Jesus models “ successful” evangelism. This is not to suggest that Jesus failed , but it does show that the goal of Jesus’ evangelism was to expose the motives in the heart, more than it was to convince people to follow him. If anything, this exchange is remarkable because it shows Jesus saying things designed to drive this ruler away. It seems that many of today’s gospel presentations are geared to trap someone into a logical corner where reason dictates that they make a commitment to follow Christ (if you want out of hell, if you want a happy l