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How do you see the Bible?

Image via Wikipedia In a theology debate with the religious PhDs of the day, Jesus told those who claimed Moses as their granddaddy, “If you believed Moses, you would believe me; for he wrote of me” (John 5:46).  Is that how you read the Old Testament ? Biblical theology shapes our Bible reading by aligning it with that of Jesus himself—namely, reading the Word of God as historically-rooted good news about the grace of God through the Son of God for the people of God to the glory of God.  Place it in the big story  A biblical theology lens trains us to place any given passage in the sweep of the single story. This way of reading the Bible gladly acknowledges the various genres in Scripture—narrative, poetry, prophecy, letters. Yet while the Bible is not uniform, it is unified.  Biblical theology reads the Bible as an unfolding drama, taking place in real-world time and space, that culminates in a man named Jesus—who himself said that “everything written about me i