
Showing posts with the label Donald Spence-Jones

Being Drunk and the Bible

L'ivresse de Polichinelle by Joseph Faverot (b. 1862) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Christians differ in their attitudes toward alcohol. Some Christians believe that we have freedom to consume alcohol in moderation. Others hold that the Bible forbids all consumption of alcohol or that, even in the absence of a clear command to abstain, it is so dangerous and so likely to lead to addiction, that it is downright foolish to drink . Regardless, all Christians hold that drunkenness is a sin and that this sin relates to the loss of control. A drunken man loses his sense and his self-control. As Solomon says, “Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler, and whoever is led astray by it is not wise.” On Monday I attempted to anticipate some of the cost to the church if young Christian men continue to spend their youth embroiled in the pursuit of pornography . Solomon warns that pornography is sapping them of their strength. In their strongest and most energetic years, in the years when