
Showing posts with the label Driscoll

Is Mark Driscoll Wrong about Twilight?

The Twilight Saga (film series) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The release of Breaking Dawn Part 2, the final movie in the Twilight series , has brought with it what is the last flurry of Christian reaction to the popularity of the books and films. Mars Hill pastor Mark Driscoll , in a recent blog post titled “ A Father’s Fright of Twilight ,” describes the series as “for teenage girls what porn is to teenage boys: sick, twisted, evil, dangerous, deceptive, and popular.” Driscoll goes on to highlight news stories about Twilight-crazed teenagers participating in real-life vampirism. He calls for discernment and regrets that Christian parents “naively” allow “this filth” into their children’s lives. Twilight is aimed at girls, and because it appeals so deeply to so many girls and women, the problem with Twilight is a problem about gender. The biggest worry about Twilight is that Bella , the main character, lives a life completely centered on the guy she loves. The love she has for Edw

Mark Driscoll and Real Marriage and Sex

Image by notashamed via Flickr From:   Mark Driscoll will be all over the news in the new year. Not only is he set to be a participant at the controversial Elephant Room conference on January 25, but January 3 will also mark the release of his newest book—the one that is bound to become his most controversial yet:  Real Marriage : The Truth About Sex, Friendship & Life Together . Co-authored with his wife Grace, the book is being marketed as a down-to-earth and no-holds-barred look at marriage and sex. Especially sex. Though  Real Marriage  weighs in at over 200 pages and 11 chapters, there is one chapter that is going to generate the vast majority of the buzz. I plan to write a review of the whole book closer to the release date. For now, though, I want to reflect on that one chapter. Before I go any farther I need to warn you that the contents of this blog post and any that follow are going to deal with topics that are uncomfortable for many people (myself includ