
Showing posts with the label Ebionites
Image via Wikipedia Mention “ Christmas ” and “controversy” together in the same sentence, and most evangelicals will assume you’re talking about Santa Claus , Christmas trees , or the secularization of the winter holiday season . But, from a historical perspective, a much more significant controversy surrounded Christmas for the first five centuries of church history; and its effects still linger in some circles today. It centered on the very essence of Jesus’ birth  – the doctrine of His incarnation. There is, of course, an element of mystery in the incarnation. After all, how can one person be both fully God and fully man at the same time? Yet, that is precisely the miraculous truth that the Scriptures affirm regarding the Person of Jesus Christ . Nonetheless, despite the clarity of biblical revelation, the doctrine of Christ ’s incarnation came under attack from the very beginning. The Ebionites , a legalistic first- and second-century cult, denied the Virgin Birth and the very