Do you mourn when you look at the world?

If God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him, then Christians have every reason to be the happiest people in the world. But does that leave us with one-dimensional emotions? How should believers act and feel when surrounded by brokenness and sin? The Bible teaches us that we have many reasons to mourn. We mourn the sin in our lives (Romans 7:15 –20) and the brokenness of this present evil age (Galatians 1:4). We mourn while we wait for Christ to return and make all things right. Following Christ’s ascension, the church laments because her bridegroom has been taken away (Matthew 9:15 ). Even the glorified martyrs in the book of Revelation , who have already been given white robes of victory, mourn as they still are waiting and longing for justice (Revelation 6:9–11). “Blessed are those who mourn,” Jesus taught, “for they shall be comforted” ( Matthew 5:4 ). The Bible calls us to be “sorrowful, yet always rejoicing” ( 2 Corinthians 6:1...