God Neither Causes nor Needs Evil

The relationship of God to evil and sin is a theological question that almost every Christian cares about. We believe, of course, that God exists and is sovereign. We know evil exists by virtue of our experience. Therein lies the conundrum. If God is in control of everything and evil exists, then it must exist because God either desires, permits or needs its existence. The first option produces an evil, twisted deity. The second makes God a little less warped but portrays him as apparently indifferent and insufficiently moved by our plight to eradicate the cause. The third prompt the question of how an omniscient God couldn’t come up with a better plan. All three formulations should be rejected. They are all propelled by some flawed thinking. First, the notion of God’s sovereignty is too often defined as God predestinating everything . God’s foreknowledge does not necessitate predestination. The fact that God knew evil would enter into the world (b...