
Showing posts with the label Etruscan civilization

Dressing Modestly or looking like a prostitute? No

Previously, we looked at the word “modest” in the New Testament and walked through  1 Cor. 12:23  and  1 Tim. 2:9  and ended up closing the post with a little discussion of what “ not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire ” meant.   The question arose as to what braided hair with gold and pearls indicated in ancient Roman culture , and the comment was made there is an evangelical myth that such things indicated that a woman was a  prostitute .   I suggested that such was not the case, and today’s post will be the first part of a two-part answer to that question.  In this post we’ll take a look at women’s clothing in Roman culture, and the following post will take a look at women’s hairstyles . Hopefully the next two posts will lay to rest some evangelical myths about hair and clothes in the New Testament era. In Roman culture, one didn’t find the same sort of wild variety in clothing, and little changes in style. Dr. Kelly Olson (expert on ancient Roman fa