
Showing posts with the label Everlasting Love

Why the God-man?

Along with the great theologian and philosopher Anselm of Canterbury we ask the question, Cur deus homo ? Why the God-man ?  When we look at the biblical answer to that question, we see that the purpose behind the incarnation of Christ is to fulfill His work as God’s appointed Mediator.  It is said in 1 Timothy 2:5: “For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus , who gave Himself.…” Now, the Bible speaks of many mediators with a small or lower case “m.” A mediator is an agent who stands between two parties who are estranged and in need of reconciliation.  But when Paul writes to Timothy of a solitary Mediator, a single Mediator, with a capital “M,” he’s referring to that Mediator who is the supreme Intercessor between God and fallen humanity. This Mediator, Jesus Christ, is indeed the God-man. In the early centuries of the church, with the office of mediator and the ministry of reconciliation in view, the church had to deal with heretical