
Showing posts with the label Evil

How do people explain sin, evil, truth, moral norms?

Stephen Wellum Any sane person knows that there is something wrong with us. No one can honestly examine history, let alone their own lives, without being struck by the extent to which we as a human race have “missed the mark” and not lived up to our ideals. Reinhold Niebuhr keenly observed that “the doctrine of original sin is the only empirically verifiable doctrine of the Christian faith.”[1]  The “human condition” has been the subject of countless books, films, and plays as people have wrestled with the reality of good and evil. One of my favourites is The Lord of the Rings, in which Tolkien explores the insidious power of the ring and the evil that lurks in every heart. 1. Reinhold Niebuhr, Man’s Nature and His Communities: Essays on the Dynamics and Enigmas of Man’s Personal and Social Existence (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1965; repr., Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2012), 24. However, although everyone admits that something is wrong with us, we do not explain the “huma...

From Genesis to Judgment: Original Sin Fully Explained

Why does so much evil exist in the world? Why do men murder? Why do countries go to war? Why do people exploit others? Why do we live in a world marked by human evil? Foundational to answering these questions is the doctrine of original sin. Original sin means that all human beings inherit the corruption of sin.  Due to this inherited corruption, all people sin and are liable to judgment. At the most basic level, therefore, original sin describes an ongoing desire for evil that blooms into additional sins and makes one liable to greater judgment. To understand this often-neglected doctrine better, the following article answers some key questions related to the doctrine of original sin. Table of contents Does the Bible support the idea of original sin? Why does everyone die? Why does everyone sin? How does original sin affect us? Are people born with original sin? Does original sin make us liable for judgment? Is original sin a sickness? So is original sin transmitted? How is origin...