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Do you walk with God?

Jeroboam sets up two golden calves, from the Bible Historiale. Den Haag, MMW, 10 B 23 165r (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” ( Amos 3:3 ) Amos was a prophet during the reign of Jeroboam II (son of Joash), who ruled the northern ten tribes of Israel from 825 to 784 B.C. ( 2 Kings14:23 ). Some 100 years earlier, Jeroboam I (son of Nebat) had led a rebellion against the son of Solomon and started the northern nation of Israel ( 1 Kings 12 ). In order to keep his people from returning to Jerusalem , Jeroboam I “made Israel to sin” ( 1 Kings 12:30 ; 16:26; etc) by developing a “new” religion centered on an image of a golden calf with idol temples in Bethel and Dan ( 1 Kings 12:28-29 ). Those northern tribes never did return to the worship of Jehovah but “sinned against the LORD,” and Israel “feared other gods” ( 2 Kings 17:7 ). The list of their sins is long and grevious in God’s sight. They “did secretly those things that were not right