Mormon becomes Christian
Image via Wikipedia Our guest on this week’s edition of The Connected Kingdom podcast is ex-Mormon and now Christian author Latayne Scott. She answers questions like these ones: How did you become a Mormon? How were you converted to Christ ? Is Mormonism a cult? Can a Christian vote for Mitt Romney ? What are the changes in and challenges to Mormonism? How should we evangelize Mormons ? Should we invite them into our homes? Through Zondervan , Latayne has just published a new and updated edition of The Mormon Mirage . You can also catch up with her at her blog . Related articles CK2:21 - Mormons & Mormonism ( The Mormon Mirage: A Book Review ( Vast Majority Of Americans Have No Problem Voting For A Mormon ( CNN Poll: Mormon candidate not a problem for most Americans ( Mars Hill Pastor Mark Driscoll: Mormo...