
Showing posts with the label Executive search

Church life requires: Character, Competency, and Chemistry.

Clarity Evangelist: What would you say is the single biggest challenge in hiring a key staff person? William: Getting chemistry right. I’m sure most of your readers have heard the big three factors in hiring, the “three c’s”: Character, Competency, and Chemistry. Those certainly hold true as the top three checkboxes to mark off when looking at a candidate. Most of our clients in executive search are really smart churches . So the candidates we bring in are usually top drawer in character and competency.   But chemistry ends up being the deal-maker or deal-breaker. Justin: Chemistry almost always ends up being the variable that has to be watched the closest. It’s the cause of more bad hires, and the reason for more good hires, than anything I see. Clarity Evangelist: What can churches do to get the chemistry piece right? William: As Socrates said, “ Know thyself .” Good hiring begins with a thorough understanding of the church culture. We end up spending a large portion of our time