How to handle personal criticism?

Proverbs 17:10 : “A rebuke goes deeper into a man of understanding than a hundred blows into a fool.” So how do we receive rebuke as a wise man seeking greater wisdom? How do you deal with personal criticisms from others? How do you process them, learn from them, and determine which ones are accurate and which ones are not?” That question, of course, is all the more relevant in a day of social media . You not only have a few dozen people in your family and church or neighborhood or network at work who might criticize you, and you can deal with face to face, but you have a few million people who might get wind of your opinion on Twitter or Facebook or a blog or wherever you happen to be talking. They might get wind of your opinion and call you the vilest names in the world. In one sense, this world of social media is unrealistic because we simply can’t deal seriously with thousands of opinions about ourselves. And yet, on the other hand, t...