
Showing posts with the label Father in heaven

That one line in the Lord's Prayer

We have a tendency to read these words and to conclude that they are part of the address, that they are simply an acknowledgment of an existing truth. That is, we believe we are saying: “Our Father in heaven, Your name is holy.” But that’s not the format of the prayer. This line of the Lord’s Prayer is not simply an assertion that God’s name is holy. Rather, it’s a petition. Everyone knows what a petition is—it’s a piece of paper that people pass around for others to sign in hopes that this written evidence of agreement on an issue will induce the government or the ruling body of some association to change the rules of the game. A petition, then, is a request. For this reason, those specific requests Jesus gave His disciples in the Lord’s Prayer are known as the petitions. These are the priorities that Jesus indicated His disciples should ask for in their prayers. And the very first thing that Jesus told them to pray for was that the name of God would be regarded as holy. What does

Pope Tells Young Catholic Boy His Atheist Father is in Heaven

Dear Emanuele, First of all, let me say from the start that you are so brave in asking this question . Talking about death is not easy, and you have the courage to do so in front of so many people. I am so sorry this has happened. Anytime a loved one dies it is a tragedy that we don’t know how to deal with, since the one we love has been taken from us. My heart is breaking with you over the loss of your father. I wish I could take the pain away but I cannot. All I can do is tell you about the One who can. I think the reason why you are asking this question is because you really want to know the answer, and you truly have no idea where your father is. You are seeking the answer to the world’s most important question: how do we get to Heaven ? I also want to commend you on the fact that you believe in Heaven. That is not something that many people believe these days, and I’m so thankful that you do believe that there is a Heaven. It sounds to me like you believe that God