
Showing posts with the label Fermentation (wine)

Did Jesus turn water into wine or grape juice?

A Kranz (wreath) of Kölsch beer. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Author: Michael Patton There are so many different positions out there with regard to this issue. Let me try to name a few: Those who abstain from alcohol and believe that this is the biblical position for everyone. Those who abstain from alcohol but don’t believe that this is a biblical mandate to enforce on others. Those who drink alcohol only for “celebratory” purposes (i.e. Lord’s table), but don’t get drunk. Those who casually drink wine or beer, but abstain from “hard liquor” and don’t get drunk. Those who casually drink alcohol in order to feel “merry” or “tipsy” but don’t get drunk. Those who drink alcohol and get drunk occasionally but are not “drunkards” (i.e. addicted). Outside of this, all Christians would (or should) agree that being addicted to alcohol is expressly forbidden in the Scripture as it relinquishes control of our faculties to the alcohol rather than to the Holy Spirit ( Eph. 5:18 ). Paul