
Showing posts with the label Fighting Christians

Christians who fight, argue and quarrel.

There's much that can divide us today, and there's no shortage of ways to express ourviews. The Internet provides instant access to varying ideologies and opportunities for sharing them, which often results in quarreling, at times unfortunately under the guise of Christianity .  Quarreling isn't anything new, and taking a stand for righteousness is, well, right But as those who have been washed with the blood of Christ , we must not take our cues from the culture as we engage today's issues. As has been said time and again, there's nothing new under the sun. I imagine James, the brother of Jesus , would have much to say to us today on this issue if he were living among us. Thankfully, we have God 's Word to direct us and James' letter for insight.  James, writing to the twelve tribes in the Dispersion (likely Jewish Christians ), understood how ideologies, practices, and the like could divide a church and a people. Throughout the book, Jame