
Showing posts with the label First Epistle of John

Faith and the power of God

The healing of the demon possessed boy ( Matt. 17:14–20 ) at first glance seems to be only one more in a series of miraculous healings recorded by Matthew. What makes this one unique is Jesus ’ emphasis on the role of faith. It is true that faith is prominent in the miracles recorded in chapter 9, but in chapter 17 it is the lack of faith that is emphasized by Jesus. That God is not dependent on human faith for accomplishing His work is clear from the accounts of other miracles recorded by Matthew. The transfiguration of Jesus immediately prior to the healing of the boy is a prime example. It was a spectacular miracle; yet no human faith was involved. This is also true in the feeding of the five thousand ( Matt. 14:13–21 ) and the four thousand (15:32–38). So the first thing we need to learn about faith and the power of God is that He is not dependent on our faith to do His work. God will not be hostage to our lack of faith. The second thing we need to learn, however, is tha

Christians should judge and not judge?

Christians are not to judge other Christians. And Christians are to judge other Christians. That’s what the Bible teaches. In fact, the apostle Paul says both things in the same letter just a few paragraphs apart. Therefore do not pronounce judgment before the time, before the Lord comes, who will bring to light the things now hidden in darkness and will disclose the purposes of the heart. Then each one will receive his commendation from God . ( 1 Corinthians 4:5) Don’t judge other Christians. For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge? (1 Corinthians 5:12) Judge other Christians. Is Paul contradicting himself? No. Paul is simply instructing us that there are things we must not judge and things we must judge. What We Must Not Judge We must not judge “the hidden . . . purposes of the heart” of other Christians based on their decisions, actions, perspectives, words, or personality that concern us  if  t

What is the unpardonable sin?

What is the unpardonable sin ? (Man. 12:31) The concept of an unpardonable sin has been a source of difficulty for many because it seems to go against the Bible’s teachings about grace. We understand that God’s grace forgives every sin , but our Lord mentioned one sin that cannot be forgiven . The religious leaders had come out to hear Him, but they opposed virtually everything He said. As He was casting out demons, they accused Him of doing this by satanic means ( Matt. 12:24). Those people were so blind spiritually that they were attributing the work of the Holy Spirit to Satan . Furthermore, they were rejecting the Holy Spirit’s work in: their own lives. In essence, the Holy Spirit was saying of Jesus, "This is the Son of God. This is God," and they were saying, "He is not God! He is Satan’s agent." It was then Jesus said, "Every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven" (Matt. 12:31)

What are the signs of the end?

Jesus spoke about the end times and the last judgment during the last week of his earthly ministry.1 All three Synoptic Gospels relate Jesus’ eschatological discourse ( Matt. 24 –25; Mark 13 ; Luke 21 ). Since Christian views about the end times must be informed by Jesus’ explanations regarding the period leading up to the end,2 a study of these texts is of fundamental significance. The reports of Matthew , Mark, and Luke about Jesus’ discourse on the end times are in essential agreement; the passage in Matthew is the most extensive and provides fuller details, especially about the last judgment. Therefore, the following discussion will follow Matthew’s presentation; we will refer to material that only Mark and Luke present where necessary Jesus mentions ten signs that herald the end of the age and the event of his return.  The first four signs are related to world affairs: (1) seduction of many people by messianic pretenders who claim to have royal dignity and the abilit

Who bewitched you?

“O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?” ( Galatians 3:1 ) The Greek word for “bewitched” is used only this once in the New Testament and does not necessarily refer to witchcraft as such. The connotation is “fascinated” or “deceived.” Unlike most of his other epistles, the book of Galatians includes no commendations from Paul, nor even any prayer requests. Paul evidently was very disappointed in this church and its ministry. He had clearly preached the gospel to them, setting forth “Jesus Christ, and him crucified” ( 1 Corinthians 2:2 ) among them, and they had apparently believed and started out well. They seemed to understand the great doctrines of salvation by grace and of liberty in Christ, and it was hard for Paul to understand how they had been so quickly led astray. If anything, this is even a greater problem today than in Paul’s day. Professin

No Gossip

This Soviet war poster conveys the message: "Don't chatter! Gossiping borders on treason" (1941). (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Some girl they all know can’t keep a job. Another common friend is always complaining about everything. One of the girls’ boyfriends is selfish, and his mother makes Jezebel look like the Proverbs 31 woman. They have probably talked about over a dozen people whom, if they were standing here in my place, would be in a puddle of tears. It is grossing me out. But now I’m thinking about my conversations over the past weeks and suddenly I’m grossed out with myself. Gossip is seen as inevitable in our day and age. People are so bored with their own lives that they must talk about everyone else in order to have a conversation that lasts longer than 5 minutes. TV shows, Magazines and blogs use the word in their title as a positive. Gossip is something that we all struggle with, but it is something we must fight as hard as the sins we deem unaccepta

You have a new nature?

Christians long for holiness and strive for sanctification. And we do it because we are offspring of a holy Father . The longing for holiness is due to our new nature and our new Father. 1. Your New Nature 1 Peter 1:14 As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance. Just before Peter issues the command to be holy he provides an instruction that gives a hint as to what holiness is, by describing what it is not. Consider the phrase “the passions of your former ignorance.” “ Passions ” is the word for strong desires, or lusts. Before you were saved you had strong desires for evil, but after adoption into God ’s family your heart experiences a new craving: for holiness. Holiness is desiring the opposite of what your old nature used to hanker for . You wanted money, you pined after physical pleasure, you craved comfort and ease and possessions and recognition and respect. But that’s okay, because you were just being dumb. You didn’t know any bette

The temptation moment by John Piper

Temptation is not sin . We know this because Eve was tempted before she fell and Jesus was tempted, “yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:15). Temptation is a disorienting, defiling experience when evil is presented to us as good. Destruction comes dressed up to look like happiness. Sin only occurs when we believe that the destructive lie can actually grant happiness. One key to resisting temptation is learning to recognize what I call the “mirage moment.” The Mirage Moment A mirage is that hallucination parched people sometimes experience in a hot desert. A real desire for water and the shimmering heat of the sand play disorienting games with the mind and emotions. A refreshing oasis seems to appear in the distance promising the happiness of a quenched desire. A thirsty person might know that no oasis has previously existed in that location. But his desire to be happy, fueled by the hope that this time he just might find happiness there, or at least relief from misery, tempts him to bel

My sins will be found out!

“But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the LORD : and be sure your sin will find you out.” ( Numbers 32:23 ) Most things in this life are uncertain; nevertheless, there are some things about which we can be absolutely sure. Just as God warned Adam that if he disobeyed His Word, he would “surely die” ( Genesis 2:17 ), so He warns us that we can be sure our sins will ultimately be exposed. “The foundation of God standeth sure” ( 2 Timothy 2:19 ). On the other side of the coin, we can also be sure of God’s mercy and faithfulness, and we can be sure of the truth of His Word. “We have also a more sure word of prophecy ; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place” ( 2 Peter 1:19 ). We also can be sure of His promised salvation. “Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast” ( Hebrews 6:19 ). Thus, we can, through faith and patience, show “the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end