
Showing posts with the label Fornication

Has the church of England lost their Bible?

If  you read the Bible cover to cover, you’ll see there is no ambiguity when it comes to extra-marital sex. Simply stated, it is forbidden. Sex before marriage is called fornication. Sex outside of marriage is called adultery. And marriage is defined as the lifelong union of a male and a female. That’s how Genesis defines it and that’s how Jesus defines it. Church standards throughout history would reaffirm all these points. All sexual relations outside the confines of marriage (which, to repeat, has always and only been the union of a man and a woman) are considered immoral and sinful. But in today’s morally confused society, right is now wrong and wrong is now right, to the point that the Church of England has apologized for reaffirming basic, biblical morality. “We are Very Sorry” Say Archbishops After Issuing a Pastoral Guidance About Biblical Sexuality As reported by CNN: Top archbishops in the Church of England have apologized for guidance issued by the church last

Why was Sodom and Gomorrha condemned by God?

The Destruction Of Sodom And Gomorrah, a painting by John Martin (painter), died 1854, thus 100 years. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) “Even as Sodom and Gomorrha , and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication , and going after strange flesh , are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.” ( Jude 1:7 ) These cities provide two stern examples of God ’s judgmental wrath. Their sin had reached such an intensity and had become so widespread that the entire region suffered the “vengeance of eternal fire.” Just like the awful misuse of human sexual potential distorted by the angelic beings cited in the previous verse, these cities had become so perverted that God’s longsuffering and mercy had ended. “But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly” ( Genesis 13:13 ). Whatever they were involved with had become so heinous and so completely a distortion of everything God created man for that God appea

Delaying Sex Until Marriage Improves Marriage

2010 research study published in the Journal of Family Psychology that found couples who delay sex until after marriage actually improve their marriages. The study surveyed 2,035 married couples and asked them about their initial sexual experience together (before or after the wedding). Of the 2,035 couples, only 336 couples reported waiting until they got married to have sex. The largest group of couples had sex within a few weeks of dating, and 126 couples had sex prior to dating. Examining the data, the three researchers concluded that waiting to have sex until after marriage actually improved the relationship — for both men and women — in four key areas: 1. Sexual quality 2. Relationship communication 3. Relationship satisfaction 4. Perceived relationship stability According to the study, people who waited until marriage rated sexual quality 15 percent higher than people who had premarital sex ; rated relationship stability 22 percent higher; and rated satisfaction with their
Image via Wikipedia We, as a culture may think when we take our pants off with someone not our spouse, as long as everyone is there voluntarily, the worst thing that can happen is that God might get miffed at us. And He, of course, is rather famous for having a rather forgiving nature. Six innocent men went to their death at Ai because a different man, Achan , took for himself booty from Jericho .  Who would know, I suspect, Achan wondered. Why would we think sexual immorality is any different? "Husbands and wives stray. What's the big deal? Happens all the time. " It does indeed happen all the time. And when it does bombs explode in the homes of little children. Hearts are scarred. Fear replaces the departing spouse. These children grow up thinking the deepest betrayal possible to be normal, acceptable, just a part of life. That there is nothing they can depend on. They grow up believing that mommy, or daddy loved their sexual appetites more than they loved them. An