
Showing posts with the label Fortification

Proverbs 18:10 talks about a strong tower

We sing, “the name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and they are saved.” The updated NIV has changed it from “strong tower” to “ fortified tower.”  It is one thing to change people’s “favourite verse,” but to change a song’s text. Umm! “The name of the Lord is a fortified tower” doesn’t quite flow? The LXX is, “out of majesty the name of Lord is strength.” Tower” is from the Hebrew   MGDL . The real question is, “What’s a strong tower”? A tower that possess the quality of strength? What does that mean? A tower that is built with a strong door? Strong straps? The NLT has “strong fortress. So we understand why the TNIV shifted to “fortified tower.” We can easily see a tower, perhaps up on a hill, that has thick walls and an enforced door. A tower that provides safety for its inhabitants. Which is of course the point of proverb. God is a fortified tower to which his children run, knowing that he will keep them safe.