Where was the Garden of Eden?

Many of us are familiar with the Adam and Eve story. According to the Old Testament's Book of Genesis, God creates the universe, the stars, the sky, the animals, and eventually, the people. Things were going just fine until the world's first couple decided to question authority. Lo and behold: Eve and Adam lose their fine, fine nature preserve where they had everything they needed. While it's easy to read this story as a symbolic tale like any other fable — a loss of innocence, the dangers of accepting bad apples from creepy, snakey folks (Snow White, we're looking at you) — some people actually believe that there was a physical place somewhere on Earth where the Garden of Eden resided. At this point, it's important to remember that Genesis is the first book of the Jewish Torah, believed to be a divine manifestation of cosmic law written as a religious text to codify instructions from God. At the time it was written, it didn't just refer to abstractions like ...