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Today's secular creeds

In The Secular Creed, Rebecca McLaughlin outlines five contemporary claims that form a statement of belief for many of our secular neighbors. Since God has called us to live among neighbors and friends with diverse backgrounds and beliefs and called us to love them and point them to the saving knowledge of Jesus, these are claims with which the Christian community must interact. These are claims with which the Christian community must interact. This book helps us dive deeper into some of the critical issues society is facing and shows how contemporary controversies point us back to our need for the rock-solid foundation of the love, mercy, dignity, and justice taught in our sacred text that was written 2,000 years ago. Yard Sign Creed McLaughlin boldly engages on sensitive topics that we’re taught to avoid at family gatherings. With intellectual precision and genuine humility, she models how to engage opposing viewpoints with grace and truth. She frames her chapters around five claims